They Aren’t Coming

What is it about books and stories that fascinate us so much?  Why do we, as human beings, attach ourselves to the heros of these stories, and read with fervent interest in their adventures?  Is it really that we hope that one day someone will come and tell us we are a wizard, or ask us to go on an adventure?  Do we secretly hope that someday someone will come and take us away from our routine lives, and tell us we are special?

I’ve noticed that many of the stories I enjoy are about ordinary people, who have extraordinary experiences thrust upon them. Captain America was a less than ordinary human with a drive to achieve.  Bilbo Baggins was an ordinary Hobbit who was very happy with his peaceful life.  Harry Potter was just a boy who wanted to be loved.


Are stories like these, and so many others, clues to how we feel as a society?  Do we feel helpless and powerless over the events taking place in our own lives, and if we do, is there anything we can do to change it?

I know many people, including myself are feeling restless with the current state of our country.  Many of the posts I have seen online show a building frustration, and fear of helplessness with the events going on.  I myself have found a certain sense of irritation as accepted truths fall, and lies are exposed.

Just to give you a few examples of some of the things bothering me as of late…

  1. Our political system is a joke, and we have a candidate running for president who has no regard for the people he claims he wants to serve and represent.
  2. Some of the articles and books I have read about what is being put into our food, and even how food, and animals are treated sickens me.
  3. I’ve struggled with religion most of my life, but recently some of the hateful and borderline violent things I’ve seen in the last few days, all in the name of God or religion is depressing.

With all this and more going on in the world it’s understandable why so many feel a sense of unease, restlessness, and fear.  But the reality is, no one is coming to save us.  Hagrid isn’t coming, and I am pretty sure Gandalf is lost. So how do we rise above all that is going on?  If we know that no one is coming, how do we become our own kind of hero?

We certainly have enough evil villains to fight, but the question is how?  How do we take action that will actually make a difference?  How do we fight the bad guys and win?

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